Newton’s Apple

Did you know, an apple helped change the world? A long time ago there was a famous scientist named Issac Newton. He observed an apple fall from a tree and discovered gravity.

Gravity is a force that pulls objects to the Earth. You observe gravity all the time when things fall down. In this activity, we are going to replicate another famous scientist, Galileo, and his gravity experiment. We will drop a big apple and a small apple from the same height to observe gravity on Newton's apples.

What do you think will happen when we drop a big and small apple?


  • 1 large apple

  • 1 small apple

  • 2 large bowls of water


  • Place the two bowls of water on the ground

  • Stand on a chair or get to a high point

  • At the same time, drop the small and large apple over the bowls of water

  • Observe which apple splashes into the water first

  • Repeat this experiment 5 times

Screen Shot 2020-08-09 at 7.55.01 PM.png

STEMSpark Tip: Galileo dropped his objects outside. We also recommend doing this experiment outside to prevent water spills. If done inside, put down a towel to avoid a more painful experience with gravity (slip and fall).