Candy Chemistry

In this activity, we are going to explore how different types of liquids, such as acids, like vinegar and bases like oils dissolve the sugars in candy.

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  • 1 packet of pop rocks

  • 1 cup vinegar

  • 1 cup water

  • 1 cup vegetable or olive oil

  • Stopwatch


  1. Select the cup of vinegar. If you cannot tell which cup is water and which is vinegar, waft the scent towards your nose. Vinegar produces a sharp smell. 

  2. Hit the time start on your stopwatch when you pour the packet of Pop Rocks into the glass. 

  3. Observe what happens. Listen carefully for the crackle and pop that indicated the Pop Rocks are dissolving. How loud is the sound? Try placing your hand above the glass. Do you feel tiny impacts of the candy against your palm? How often do you feel them? Do you see the pop rocks disappearing?

  4. Time how long it takes for the Pop Rocks to completely dissolve. 

  5. Repeat with the water and oil.